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facts and statistics

the truth of suicide

Idaho State Facts 2017-2021

    • The statewide suicide rate for 2021 decreased by over 14% since 2018’s historical high.
    • Firearms were the most common method of injury, used in 63% of Idaho suicides.
    • Males were far more likely than females to die by suicide, representing 8-in-10 Idaho suicides.
    • Suicide remained the 2nd leading cause of death among Idahoans aged 10-24 in 2021.
    • Between 2017-2021, 132 Idaho school children (ages 10-18 years old) died by suicide; 34 of those deaths were to children age 14 or younger.
    • Suicide rates were highest in less densely populated counties where mental health services are limited.

For the most recent statistics use the Idaho Violent Death Reporting System (IdVDRS)

Other Resources

We do not provide crisis intervention. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis please call or text the 24-hour Idaho Crisis & suicide hotline at 988. If this is a life threatening emergency please dial 911.